Updates, Amendments and Revisions
INRAT EXAM NO. 3, QUESTION 36: Change answer option a) to "enter non-standard hold on track 230 ...".
INRAT EXAM NO. 8, QUESTION 11: Change the text of the question as follows (answer options remain the same):
"11. Refer to the Departure Procedure for Kamloops, BC at Fig. 22 in the Exam Appendix. Assume that during climbout, at a ground speed of 120 kts, your aircraft can maintain a rate of climb of at least 1,000 ft/min to 7,000 feet ASL. What is the minimum required visibility and ceiling for departure from Runway 26?"
INRAT EXAM NO. 8, QUESTION 14: Change Answer option b) as follows:
b) 2,694; 1,023.