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Culhane Aviation Training Manuals


Regulatory Requirements for Canadian Aircraft Maintenance Engineers, 2025 Edition, by Michael J. Culhane

[Regulatory Requirements for Canadian AME's]

To qualify for an AME licence in Canada, candidates must successfully pass the Transport Canada Regulatory Requirements Examination - REGS (often mis-named as the "CARs for AME's" Exam; the REGS exam covers several other regulatory enactments besides the CARs), with a minimum passing score of at least 70 percent. The REGS exam is a difficult exam and requires a thorough and complete knowledge of Canadian aviation regulatory subjects in order to obtain a passing score. Our training text Regulatory Requirements for Canadian Aircraft Maintenance Engineers by lawyer and aviation author Michael J. Culhane ATPL BSc BA JD will greatly assist aspiring Canadian AME's, foreign AMEs seeking to obtain Canadian qualifications and those that must write this exam to regain currency.

In Part 1 of our text, all required background regulations are provided and incorporated into plain English and presented in a logical flow with examples and cross references to the applicable source requlations throughout. In Part 2, there are 10 complete, realistic regulatory requirements sample exams provided that are designed to simulate the current Transport Canada tests in terms of subject matter, question design and level of difficulty. Those that complete our regulatory requirements training manual will have comprehensively covered all applicable Canadian regulatory materials and should have no difficulty passing the Transport Canada REGS written.

This text is completely up-to-date for the latest CARs and other legislative enactments and offers an efficient, time effective and easily followed system to self study all required subjects to exam readiness standards without having to waste time browsing aimlessly through vast quantities of hard-to-find, difficult-to-read original source materials.

Indexed, 382 pages, cirlox bound. ISBN 978-1-895801-55-2.

Retail price: $149.95 CDN.

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