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FAQ: Online Ground School (Cont.)

I am potentially interested in your online ground school but I would like to have a chance to look over your product in detail so as to decide if I wish to obtain it. Do you offer a free preview or provide temporary free access for purposes of product evaluation? No: we are sorry but we don't offer free advance access to our online courses for evaluation purposes. Based on the fact that we are well established, well known longstanding providers of self study aviation training courses and referenced sample exams for all fixed wing and rotary pilot licences and ratings, we do not see it as necessary to offer free access to any of our products for advance user-evaluation purposes as if our products were completely new and unknown. Click here for a sample question/answer that will show the basic layout of our online ground schools.

Can one really study over the internet for a Transport Canada written test or isn't it best to take formal classroom training as the exclusive means by which I complete my ground school studies? Classroom instruction does offer many useful and important features, but it is not the only way to learn the required subjects. It all comes down to one "getting into the materials" and actively learning the required content: sitting through classroom lectures alone does not of itself make one ready to write an exam. The internet offers an excellent opportunity to learn the required subjects in a structured way. Further, internet training offers the added benefits that it is active, self-paced, participatory and interactive. Accordingly, to answer your question, by all means internet training is definitely a suitable, appropriate, time-efficient and effective method of self study towards any aviation written and is every bit as useful as a classroom based course of study. One customer of ours recently called to tell us he successfully prepared for his ATPL writtens using our online course from the beach at his hotel in Cancun, Mexico using his portable laptop computer with hotel internet-hub/wifi access. Many others have taken our online courses from other numerous diverse and varied locations all over the world: in our view, the internet is truly revolutionary as a training medium and it has forever changed the old classroom-based system as the standard ground training model. Even for those currently taking a classroom style ground school, our online courses offer an excellent supplemental tool that can be used in addition to facilitate and accelerate learning and to supplement and enhance classroom training. As well, for those already having met the standards for a particular aviation licence but having to re-write an exam for purposes of regaining currency, our internet courses are perfect since a repeat of a complete program of classroom lectures would be time consuming, costly and un-necessary.

Finally, for those preparing to sit an advanced exam such as the ATPL's, INRAT, IATRA etc. self study using our 24/7 internet courses and training texts will be significantly less expensive when compared to the full cost of attending a weekend exam prep seminar inclusive of the seminar fee, transportation costs, meals and accomodation costs, lost time from work to make time for multiple day seminar attendance etc.

Do I need any secondary software to take one of your internet courses or will my existing web browser provide full access to it? All that is needed to access our online courses is a standard internet web browser such as Netscape or Internet Explorer; no secondary software of any kind needs to be downloaded or purchased separately to access our product.

Do the quizzes and exams in your courses include the actual Transport Canada questions? No. Transport Canada's actual exam questions as used on current pilot exams are not freely available to the public (the PSTAR exam is an exception since the government makes the questions available, but not the answers). Our questions are entirely our own and have been written based on our own independent authoring of typical Transport Canada test content, question style and test structure. Over the years we have become good at this such that we can confidently say our independent, proprietary banks of exam questions truly offer a realistic simulation of the kinds of questions, subjects, level of difficulty and format one can expect on Transport Canada tests.

Approximately how long do you estimate that it will take me to complete your online course? Based on the average user, it should take typically a minimum of about 2 - 3 weeks time spending 2 - 3 hours per day to complete each of our online courses. As well, study times to reach exam readiness can vary greatly depending upon the individual and how aggressively the individual completes the work: some like to spend several months using a lengthier period of study, while others prefer to work very hard over a shorter period of time. For flight dispatcher candidates having no background in aviation, study times will typically be much longer (e.g. 3 - 6 months).

We are a flying school/club and we would like to be able to offer your online ground school to our students as part of a training package that we would provide to our students. Do you offer special pricing for schools? Yes! We offer flying schools and clubs universal school student access based on 1-year, 2-year or 3-year school-access subscriptions. School subscribers to our program are provided with a school user ID and password that can be used by any school student to access our online ground school during the access period, and the school can re-sell access to our courses at their own independent prices. Those flying schools and clubs that subscribe to our online ground school will find it to provide a very cost effective, well written, comprehensive, Transport Canada curriculum-based, 24/7 online training system that will be of great benefit as a primary or supplemental ground school training program for their student pilots. Click here for further details.

Do your online courses contain any multi-media type tutorials, narratives, colour images, sound, animations or movies? No: our online courses contain no such multi-media whatsoever. We want to keep the computer operating system requirements minimal, with no requirements for any form of supplemental software or upgrades needed. Thus the user can take our online courses with any web browser (rudimentary or advanced), any modem/internet connection interface, any computer, any operating system, old or new, desktop, laptop or smartphone. We are not interested in "flash", graphics, colour movies or other "bells and whistles". Our focus is on providing good content with a simple, clean, focused presentation. Our online courses thus take the user through step by step with our simple question - answer frame format, supplemented with online review quizzes and final exams. "Simple works best" in our view and our format makes learning fast and effective.

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