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Culhane Aviation Training Manuals


Frequently Asked Questions - Page 5

I used your training products and I have now succeeded on my Transport Canada test. I am a satisfied customer: would you be interested in knowing of my success? Yes, of course! We are always pleased to received positive user feedback and we would appreciate knowing when our training products have been helpful. We are currently collecting user testimonials that we would like to publicize at our website. If you wish to provide us with a user testimonial, please E-mail Us and with your consent we will post your testimonial to our website.

We are a flying school/flying club/pilot supply shop/aviation bookstore and we are interested in carrying your line of training publications. Can we become an approved dealer of Culhane training manuals? Yes! We are pleased to accept new dealers at any time. We offer volume based discounts for our training products and are pleased to sell to dealers. Click here to place a dealer order 24/7 from our online store. Whether your business is a small, one-instructor flying school to a large pilot supply shop or major aviation college, we can provide your business or aviation training institution with volume based dealer discounts that will provide healthy re-sale profits for carrying our line of training products: we are eager to do business with you!

How different are your training manuals from one year's edition to another, do you re-write your training manuals or do you revise them only? Our editions are generally revised, not re-written, although sometimes we do rewrite them entirely. It all depends on changes/revisions that we need to make: sometimes there are few changes from one year to the next because Transport Canada has not made many changes, while for other years, there may be an enormous amount of change. To a large degree, the changes we make to a particular edition of our training manuals will depend on what changes have come into effect in respect of the licencing system and government tests. The key is that every year, we review our content so as to ensure that it is current for the current year so that our users can rest assured that regardless of the revision history, the current edition is what we consider to be the best and most current presentation of the current required subjects. As a rough measure, each new edition will change by about 3% per year.

I am aware of a company/flying school/business/individual having copied/loaned out for free your training manuals/online courses/online exams (or portions thereof) in pilot training operations. I understand you offer a monetary reward for information leading to a successful criminal/civil conviction for violation of copyright/breach of conditions of sale. How do I go about making a claim for the reward? Every year we suffer SIGNIFICANT LOSSES to copyright piracy and the provision of free loaner sets of our texts in breach of our conditions of sale. These illegal activities force us to raise our retail prices to recover our losses, making our products more expensive for honest purchasers. Since unauthorized copying/loaning of our training materials contrary to our conditions of sale is illegal, our policy is to immediately prosecute to the fullest extent of the law those that violate our rights. PLEASE HELP US TO STOP THEFT OF OUR PRODUCTS and email us or phone us 604-279-0179 at once if you are directly or indirectly aware of any actual or potential illegal copyright infringement activity or the provision of free loaner sets of our manuals or you were provided with one of our written tests for free etc. in a flight training operation and we will be pleased to offer you a CASH MONETARY REWARD for your witness assistance in pursuing a legal conviction.

Do your training manuals and written test supplements include the actual Transport Canada exam questions No. Our training products are similar to Transport Canada tests in terms of the content, style and level of difficulty but our materials are completely independent of Transport Canada content.

I found a better price for one of your texts from a company selling your "Culhane" training manuals. Will you give me the same (or better) discounted price if I purchase directly from you? If you have found a better price for one of our manuals you should purchase directly from the party offering the better price! Our prices are firm. It is always a good idea to only purchase Culhane products from us directly or from a Culhane Authorized Dealer so that you can be assured of purchasing genuine versions of our products.

I reside in British Columbia and I need a lawyer regarding an aviation matter. Would Mr. Culhane be available to provide me with legal representation? Give us a call at 604-279-0179 or send us an e-mail and provide your name and telephone number and Mr. Culhane will contact you.

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