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Culhane Aviation Training Manuals


PSTAR and Student Pilot Written Test Book, 2025 Revised Edition, by Michael J. Culhane





All student pilots must achieve 90% on the PSTAR written examination before being issued a Student Pilot Permit. As well, foreign pilots seeking conversion to Canadian licences and military pilots must also succeed on the PSTAR written. This testing manual contains all 200 Transport Canada PSTAR questions, re-organized into 4 sets of 50 question PSTAR aeroplane exams, along with supplemental questions for helicopter applicants. Our PSTAR exam manual has been designed to be used in conjunction with our Private Pilot and Recreational Pilot Ground School Course, current Edition, and includes cross references for every PSTAR question so as to permit fast track learning of the required background subjects. Using our course text and this PSTAR manual will provide everything you will need to self study for the PSTAR examination, and no additional texts or regulatory sources will be required.

136 pages, cirlox bound. ISBN 978-1-895801-30-9. Bilingual English-French format.

Retail Price: $74.95 CDN

Past/Expired Editions at Discounted Prices

NOTE: The following item is on clearance to make space for the new editions. Once sold out it will no longer be available. Quantities are limited.


PSTAR and Student Pilot Written Test Book, 2023 Edition.

ON SALE! $37.50 CDN (9 available)




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All contents (c) COPYRIGHT, Michael J. Culhane.