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Culhane Aviation Training Manuals


FAA/US Government Publications

Aerodynamics for Naval Aviators

Aerodynamics Naval Aviators

This outstanding text was originally written by the US Navy in 1965 and provides concise materials on advanced high speed, high altitude aerodynamics and theory of flight. Reprint by ASA.

Retail Price: $49.95 CDN


FAA Advanced Avionics Handbook

FAA Advanced Avionics

Designed as a technical reference for pilots that operate aircraft with advanced avionics systems. Gives good information on advanced GPS units, glass cockpit presentations, instrument approach displays based on LPV, VNAV, LNAV, APV, cockpit weather displays, multi-function displays, moving map displays and more. Approximately 100 pages, perfect bound, 2009 Ed.

Retail Price: $49.95 CDN


FAA Aircraft Weight and Balance Handbook

FAA Aircraft Weight and Balance

Very useful fundamentals of weight and balance theory and calculations for all aircraft.

Retail Price: $34.95 CDN



FAA Airplane Flying Handbook

FAA Airplane Flying Handbook

Techinical flying manual designed to introduce basic flying skills and knowledge for all types of land aeroplanes including single-engine, multi-engine, turbine and jet.

Retail Price: $29.95 CDN


FAA Aviation Instructor's Handbook

FAA Aviation Instructor's Handbook

A good source of material covering all aspects of theory and practise of flight instruction. Chapters on the learning process, human behavior, effective communication, teaching methods, critique and evaluation, instructor aids and training technologies, instructor responsibilities and professionalism, flight instruction techniques, planning instructional activity and professional development. 1999 version. Includes glossary and index, approximatey 150 pages.

Retail Price: $29.95 CDN


FAA Aviation Weather

FAA Aviation Weather

An excellent manual covering weather theory. Virtually all of the material in this well illustrated and easily read text is relevant for Canadian pilots.

Retail Price: $29.95 CDN



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All contents (c) COPYRIGHT, Michael J. Culhane.